Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Burgers, Pasta and Play Dough (oh my!)

Okay, I've been a little lax about posting here. But, I haven't been lax about cooking.

Here are the highlights of the past week or so:

  • One-Pot Salmon with Snap Peas and Rice. I'm in love with this recipe. You put the rice on to cook, then add the salmon, a little later toss on the peas and then throw on the sauce. One dirty dish, dinner in less than 30 minutes - what's not to love! Even Mitchell will eat this one - and apparently so will Noah! He was loving the salmon. (I must say, something awesome happens to the salmon when this dish cooks. It comes out soft as butter - but not mushy or anything. It just melts in your mouth. Delish!)

And, food's not the only thing cookin' in our house. Mitchell's new preschool asks that parents bring homemade play dough to the parent orientation. Given my track record with strange stuff that I have to make, I thought I'd test drive the recipe. Lo and behold, I made play dough! The stuff is so smooth (though it is very salty smelling).

Cooked Play Dough

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup salt

4 teaspoons cream of tartar

2 cups cold water

2 tablespoons oil

Food coloring (Use WAAAAY more than you think you need! The few drops I added at first made something that looked like snot!)

Mix the dry ingredients in a large pot. Mix the wet ingredients (including the food coloring) in a measuring cup then add to the dry ingredients. Turn on the heat and stir like a mad woman - this required quite a bit of strength, as this is a thick mixture. Something strange happens and it magically becomes a ball of play dough!

Remove from heat and let cool then knead to make it smooth. Store in plastic bags.

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